Spokane Regional Leaders Prayer Summit

"But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile,
and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare."
Jeremiah 29:7

Let's TEAM Together
TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More

Ross Point Camp and Conference Center
February 17-18, 2025
Advanced Registration required

Register Now

Who should attend?
Pastors, marketplace, civic/government, and prayer leaders and warriors are all invited.

Our guest facilitators are Jim and Marcia Leuschen. Jim and Marcia Leuschen oversee and pastor New Covenant Fellowship (NCF) which they founded in 1980. Over the decades their ministry has centered on establishing NCF as a true New Testament community faithful to the Bible in teaching, practice and life together. They also have had a strong burden for our city and region. Through the years they have been pioneers in launching and supporting citywide ministries, including the City Gate ministry, citywide spiritual conferences, and a regional women’s ministry. Beginning in 2010, they helped to establish My Father’s House of Prayer, envisioned as a 24-hour house of prayer for this region, now located at the corner of Green and Marshall. Jim is also a biblical scholar, teacher and author, having written and published a number of books. Regionally, they help to facilitate Cascadia, a leadership gathering for ministers around the Northwest, and they also have many in the region who consider them to be a spiritual father and mother. They look forward eagerly to the upcoming summit.

Summit Schedule 2025

Fast and Pray Pre-Summit
   Sunday -  No Meals - Requires Extra Room Fee (checkin after 6 PM)

Check - in
Monday check-in opens at 8 AM
Breakfast Tuesday 8 AM
Monday and Tuesday Morning Session 9 AM
Lunch Monday and Tuesday Noon (12:00 PM)
Second Session 1 PM - 4 PM
Dinner Monday and Tuesday 5:30 PM
Evening Session 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

The Prayer Summit will end Tuesday evening

This is a residence summit. Although Ross Point is a short drive away, we encourage you to unplug and disengage. Space is limited so preregistration is a required. Fees vary depending on your choice of housing accommodations:

Housing options include five meals.

Rooms in the motel-like lodges can be configured for single, double or triple occupancy. Lodge rooms have private baths. Alternatively, you can choose cabin housing with bunk beds and a communal bathroom. Cabin guests provide their own bedding and towels. All guests provide their own toiletries.

Rates are per person (meals included)

Single occupancy - $240.00
Double or triple occupancy - $190.00 per person
Cabin Dormitory Style - $155.00 per person
Full Event No Housing $150.00
No Housing Options
Day with meals  $80.00 per person
Day without meals  $55 per person

Options (additional fees):
Linens for Cabins  $25
"Fast and Pray Pre-Summit" Sunday, February 16 (Rooms available after 6 PM)
Single $95
Double $75 per person
Cabin $55 per person

Installment payment option :
$50 down payment upon registration. Balance due by February 9, 2025

Do you need a partial scholarship to come to the Summit? Let the Lord, your friends and us know! If the Lord says to come to the Prayer Summit, don't let lack of finances keep you away. Apply for a scholarship when you register.

Register Now

Ross Point Camp
And Conference Center

820 S. Ross Point Rd
Post Falls, ID 83854